What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a psychological and spiritual system that describes nine personality types. It is a profound tool to help people understand motivations for why you think, feel, and the behave the way you do.
Everyone is born with inherent personality types. This causes differences in how we learn to adapt to our early childhood environment. It also seems to lead to certain unconscious orientations. If we identify them, it can lead to a better understanding of oneself.
Who will benefit from learning their Enneagram Type?
Anyone and everyone who wants to lead themselves and others well. Anyone who wants to have deeper relationships with their spouse, family, friends, team and or coworkers.
If you are struggling to understand why you keep ending up in similar relational pitfalls with family, friends, coworkers.
If you are a group leader and want to build community and want to understand each other better.
If you are married and desire greater intellectual and emotional intimacy.
If you want to see deep transformational growth in your life!